

Junior Squash Inter District 2014

Thanks You coach Bryan giving Jonathan the opportunity to participate in this junior competition.
Even though Jonathan still in the beginner stage, just let him have a try, enjoy the game and feel the atmosphere...



Mr. Lee是我在1990年代打工时期每位职员口中的大大老板。一有风声说他要来亞庇,全公司上下都有够“紧张”了。。。那个时候我总是他的司机,每次都是我开Suzuki Jeep到机场接机,个子相当高大的他挤进小车里,有些怪怪的。记得Mr. Lee的和谐可亲。我们的交谈可以从公司谈到个人及家事,好像和朋友聊天一般,从来都没有摆架子的。20年后的今天,他还在这机构服务,还得到这荣誉。Mr. Lee, 恭喜!恭喜!实至名归!


Visit Desa Cattle Farm, Kundasang

After our trip from Sabah Tea Garden, we move on to Desa Cattle Farm. We arrived at about 2.30pm and it was so excited to see a lot of people here. Immediately we headed to watch the milking process which was just started minutes ago. And we also manage to see how they do the packaging. Jonathan was so excited when we forward to the calf pen to feed the little moo and mad2...